
The San Francisco Peninsula Chapter is proud of its long tradition of offering Perpetual Trophies to winners of select classes during our annual show. Many of the trophies have been with the chapter for decades and help represent the deep history of our chapter within CDS.

Perpetual Trophies

Domaine Cheval Perpetual Trophy

(est. 2003) With a hand painted base and silver julep cup, this trophy is awarded for the highest percentage score for a musical freestyle at any level. Domaine Cheval custom made stable and home accessories are designed by chapter member Nan Meek, and painted by Ellen Fleming, who welcomes the opportunity to encourage participation in freestyle classes.

Bolshoj Perpetual Trophy

(est. 1996) Designed and created by Merrily Page, a SFP Chapter member and AHSA Judge, this trophy honors Bolshoj, an Oldenburg gelding ridden by Elizabeth Ball. Bolshoj excelled as he progressed through the levels, winning many trophies, honors and distinctions, as well as the hearts of our chapter members. Bolshoj and Elizabeth Ball were members of the 1995 Silver Medal winning Pan American Team. The trophy is awarded to the highest scoring ride in a specified Prix St George class.

Henry Burchard Perpetual Trophy

(est. 1970) This trophy, a silver coffee urn, was donated in memory of Col. Henry Burchard, a friend and supporter of dressage in the San Francisco Peninsula for many years. The award was formerly given to the horse and rider combination who achieved the highest average score at both the SFP Annual Show and the Atherton Dressage Summer Show in the same year. Since 1974 the trophy has been awarded as a perpetual trophy at Second Level, Test 1.

Ltn. Col Hans Moeller Perpetual Trophy

(est. 1971) This lovely silver flower vase and wooden base was donated by the friends and students of Hans Moeller in gratitude for the continued support he gave to the SFP Chapter, as one of its founding members. Also a respected judge, Moeller helped to develop CDS’s judge-education program and the first formal dressage judges’ forums. His curriculum incorporating substantial theoretical instruction was so successful that today it is an element of the USDF L Education Program. The trophy was originally awarded to the highest scoring ride at First Level, which at that time was Test 3. The trophy is now awarded for First Level, Test 4.

Michael Handler Perpetual Trophy

(est. 1972) This beautiful wooden cabinet enclosing an ornate marble Grecian relief of horses, was donated by Douglas and Alice Simpson. The award honors Michael Handler, whose efforts, while living in the Bay Area, helped to create the SFP Chapter. The trophy is presented to the highest scoring ride in a specified Third Level Test 1 class.

Sharon Hicks Memorial Trophy

(est. 1995) This beautiful painting was donated in loving memory of Sharon HIcks by her husband Ron, and her many friends. Sharon was an avid dressage rider and competitor, showing her horse “Andy” at second level. Sharon died in a freak accident in June 1994. The trophy is awarded to the highest scoring Amateur Adult at Second level.

Shelly Siegel Memorial Trophy

(est. 1984) Originally an heirloom silver platter, donated in 1984, this trophy honors the memory of Shelley Siegel and her enthusiasm and interest in developing young horses. The silver tray was retired in 1999 and returned to the donor. The same individual donated a beautiful lead crystal urn, mounted on a wooden base, to take its place. Since 2000 this new trophy has been awarded to the highest Amateur score for Training Level, Test 1.

Stanford Dressage Trophy

(est. 1980) This trophy was donated by the SFP Chapter in remembrance of the years of fun and collaboration with the Stanford Equestrian Center. The trophy is awarded for a specified Fourth Level Test 1 class.

Veronika Opitz-Berry Perpetual Trophy

(est. 2007) This beautiful horse head sculpture was made and donated by artist Pam Orisek, and is dedicated to the memory of Veronika Opitz-Berry. The trophy is a collaboration between the artist and Veronika’s many students and friends at Webb Ranch. The trophy is awarded to the high point Junior or Young Rider in First through Fourth level.

Virginia Allen Memorial Trophy

(est. 1990) This lovely silver bowl and wooden base was donated to honor Virginia Allen, a long time SFP chapter member and dedicated horsewoman. The trophy is awarded to the highest scoring ride in a specified First Level Test 1 class.

Riley Church Memorial Trophy

(est. 2006) Dedicated by the SFP Chapter junior riders in memory of Riley Church, a junior member who lost her courageous fight with brain cancer in May 2006. The trophy is awarded to the Junior or Young Rider with the highest percentage score at Training level.